Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and welcome back!  I have finally posted pictures from the past several months and I hope you take the time to look at them.  My dream for January is to be more timely in my posts!  I appreciate your patience. 
I hope all of your holidays were restful and filled with fun and family.

Holiday Celebration

Gingerbread Houses

Creativity with candy!  What a great way to spend and afternoon!

Four Winds


Building our own tops became a highlight for about three days!


 Everyone loved the challenge of balancing a pencil on it's point!

Harvest Party 2011!

Food, games and crafts!  A fun time for all!

The Biggest Pumkin Ever!

Students enjoyed a show on October 31st that was performed by the high school drama club.

Counting Pumpkin Seeds

Everyone enjoyed counting the seeds from the pumpkin donted by the PTO!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Health and Wellness Challenge for 2012

Dear Union Memorial Families;

As a district we are participating in a 30 Day Challenge during the month of January to promote health and wellness for the year 2012.   

Union Memorial School would like the staff and students to participate in a whole school bulletin board celebrating all of the healthy activities/choices we participate in, at home or at school.  We would like to ask that each child and staff member bring in a photo of themselves participating in something which promotes health and wellness.  Here are some ideas:

·        Sporting activities (skating, skiing, soccer)

·        Leisure activities (hiking, biking, skateboarding, wii)

·        Relaxing activities (reading, playing with friends / family, cuddling with a pet, listening to music, movie night with the family)

·        Eating healthy (favorite foods, snacks, cooking, etc)

The options are endless!  It’s about taking time to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. 

As a school we always promote healthy snacks but especially during the month of January we would like to emphasize healthy eating.  Individual classrooms will be having discussions regarding positive eating habits which promote not only nutritional benefits but boost brain power!

As always we thank you for supporting our schools!  We hope your holiday is blessed with family and friends.

See you in 2012,

Judy Lilley and Darlene Mulcahy

Wellness Coordinators for UMS