Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine's Celebration

I have such a wonderful class!  We had a great time opening our valentines and eating ice cream sundaes!  Thank you to all the parents that were able to come and help with the sundaes.  Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!




  1. For you the same warm wishes from Essay Kings! Also, we would like to express our gratitude for the bright and amusing posts here! Good luck with the future posts!

  2. Asking questions with a yes/no answer can be the starting point of a good discussions, but only if there is a follow-up question that calls for explanation or substantiation. Otherwise, yes/no questions tend to be conversations-stoppers. By the same token, discussions can stall if the instructor's questions essay writers are overly leading, i.e., if there is clearly an answer the instructor wants, and the students' task is simply to guess it, rather than to think for himself.
